Saturday, July 7, 2012

May 7, 2012   Temple Dedication and Celebration

This past week was so awesome and I can honestly say I have never been so tired as I was this past week. Since the temple open house was over, it was like my body was on recover mode and I couldn't wake up! Tuesday was the worst too haha, I was totally out of it and had heavy eye lids in almost every appointment. But it was an overall really good day of teaching and finding others to teach. Lots of the people we tried to contact were so friendly and the members we saw were all in such good moods! That night we had dinner with our Hamilton family and it was an awesome night. Near the end of dinner, the mom said that she wanted to know what Baptism lessons were cause her husband was asking about why someone would need lessons before they get baptized. We explained what we do and showed them different pamphlets that we teach from and testified of how important it is that those who get baptized feel that the church is true on their own and not because we are convincing them. It was so awesome because everyone was listening and really had questions but you can tell most of the questions weren't asked....they like to see what everything is before they really take a step towards anything unknown. After we did a brief overview, the mom said that the family all wants to take the lessons to learn about it. I was blown away! Her daughter Kenzie and her boyfriend both agreed that they wanted to learn starting next week. I couldn't believe it! This family that we have been praying for and wanted to really teach them opened up to the gospel. It was a huge prayer answered for us and we finally understood why the lessons we planned on teaching them never was all on the Lord's timing :)
Thursday we had interviews with our mission president and his wife, the Keyes'. I absolutely love when get to have our one on one with them both because they truly listen to you and want to make sure you are doing good. President Keyes told me that I will be most likely getting transferred to the Independence Visitor Center next transfer (on the 24th) which was not a huge surprise since I have never served there. Although he didn't tell me that it was for sure or a promise, which I believe since things change sooooo quickly out here. We all got our rules that we needed to go by for the cultural event that happened on Saturday and I was SO excited for the event! Friday came and went haha. It was a rough day, appointments all fell through. BUT we found out that our dog Barson went back to his original owners :) So no need to worry, he is safe!
Saturday....was AWESOME. A member dropped us off by the Marriott next to the auditorium. As we were walking towards the front doors, one of the church security guards said to us, "don't make a big scene". I thought, oh great, what did I do already?! Haha. Then Sis Barnum pointed at Elder Walker of the first quorum of the seventy and says I think Pres Monson is getting out of that car too! We got to the doors, I turned to see Pres Monson getting out of his black car!! I couldn't believe it!! We went inside, saw one of the Senior couple sisters standing there and we told her that the prophet was coming in! Of COURSE we waited for him to come inside and there he was but 5 min later. Walked into the Marriott in his crisp suit, body guards all around as he waved to us and said "Howdy Howdy!" We were but 10 feet away from him! I wish he stopped to come say hi but I know I was so shocked I stayed standing in my spot for another 10 min after he went upstairs!! It was so awesome. Cant say I have ever been that close to a Prophet before :) The night continued to get better as I saw lots of old friends from the mission. ALL the missionaries were gathered in a room. Pres Keyes had us all practice the Armies of Helaman song prob 5 times. Then he also told us that we would be able to watch the show from the top seats in the auditorium!! We had some pretty good seats too! I was sitting in my seat waiting for the program to start and I got to see one of my sisters and her new baby! Cami and her husband live down south but go to come up for it, it was so fun seeing her! Then another sister, Jamie, came over and totally surprised me cause I didn't know she would be there either! Nothin better than seeing a prophet and your family in the same day :) The culture event was absolutely amazing. There were 3,500 youth that got to participate in the event. We went down to do our part, the youth split on the floor and Pres Keyes and Sis Keyes lead all of us missionaries in behind them. While we walked we started singing the song as the youth all turned and knelt as we entered the auditorium. To my surprise, Sis Barnum and I got to walk close to the front with the rest of our zone. We walked all the way to the end of the gym and we all stood there facing the prophet. The whole auditorium stood and clapped for us as we came into the gym. I couldn't believe it. Many of the youth were so excited, "look! Its the Missionaries!!!!" many of them said to each other as we came in. It was such an incredible spirit. Pres Keyes was told later on that some of the camera men couldn't do their duties because they were in tears. I cant even tell you how amazing that night really was but I know that I will never forget it.
Sunday the temple was dedicated by our lovely prophet. We went to the morning session and it was so good. Elder Holland was able to come to the dedication as was Elder Hallstrom. The temple president and his wife spoke independently and their talks were very moving. Members in this area have gone from their temple district being in Manti, UT with 13hrs away to Kansas City with 1hr away. Many of the speakers spoke about the prophet Joseph Smith at the Liberty Jail. My heart was so full of gratitude to have served in such a sacred place. Many people have had to sacrifice so much or gone through trials that are hard to understand but the Lord has blessed these people in this promise land with a GORGEOUS temple. What a blessing it is for ME to serve as a missionary at this wonderful time. I could not have asked for a better experience, better place to serve, better people to have met and a testimony that has grown. I love the Lord. I love my mission. May the Lord bless you all and help you all to remember the promises you have made with Him so He can bless your life in a way that you cant even imagine.
I love you all,
Sista Larson

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