Saturday, July 7, 2012

June 18, 2012 Lord Has a Change of Plans

This week has been by far the most interesting and mission changing one I have had my whole mission. Let me start out by telling you my embarrassing story...on Monday last week, I went to open the door to the church building and some creepy looking bug flew towards me and I moved quickly to get away from it. When I jumped back, I flung the back of my head into the corner of the brick building, my eyes started rolling, I stumbled forwards and Sister Barnum just caught me not know what just happened. Haha. Yep. I didn't have a big concussion to send me to the hospital or anything but it did give me the biggest headache ever all day on Tuesday. The nurse heard my name and said, Sister Larson, you are having all kinds of problems these days! Haha. We stayed home most of the day on Tuesday under the nurse's orders, it was nice to have a place to rest my pounding head. Oh and while I was driving home on Sunday I hit a bird and on Monday walking to our car from Walmart, there it was, stuck to our front headlight!! Enjoy the picture haha.
Wednesday I had my ultra sound appointment on my abdomen down in Liberty. The tech who did the ultra sound had never really heard of missionaries and I ended up telling him all about our church which was kind of funny. He was super cool! He turned to computer screen towards me as he showed me all my organs, which it all looked like a black and white blob but still pretty cool. Then he found my gallstones in my gallbladder, he wasn't supposed to tell me any information about it but I am SO grateful he did. After that I felt such a peace of mind about my weird stomach cramps that I have been having for the past 3 months. I felt like a crazy person not really knowing why my stomach hurt and tried to ignore it for so long and now I had a reason. That night we visited with our Tuesday night family that we are teaching, Neal and Catherine. Neal opened up to us a little more but held back a lot. When his wife came home, his demeanor changed and his stubbornness came back. Catherine wants to get baptized and is stubborn/set on having their family all join eventually, but Neal is stubborn right back and almost plays a game with her about who can hold out the longest haha. Yes. It is very interesting, we are hoping that some hearts become softened very soon :)
Thursday morning I got a call from our Zone Leaders cause they heard I hurt my head, then I told them I also had Gallstones to which they were very surprised and taken back. Then the mission nurse called then the medical adviser over 5 of the Midwest missions called. I thought the calls were all over until I saw the Mission Home calling 30min later. President Keyes was on the other line, he gave me a new nickname "gallstone Larson" ha and he continued to talk to me about my new diagnosis. He told me that he had been thinking all night about the physical challenges that comes from it and that I should pray about going home on July 19th. I was taken back because I had talked to his wife the day before and we both thought that I would just have a strict diet for the next 2 months then get surgery when I go home. As he continued talking, I knew what he was saying was right but I needed to have my own spiritual confirmation as well just like he said. I got to talk to my parents that afternoon about the possibility which they all were very supportive about the situation going either way but were of course biased and wanted me home sooner haha.
Saturday we had an all mission fast so that each area would be able to find new investigators all summer long every week. Pres Keyes also asked us to first express our gratitude for what the Lord has already done for our mission, secondly to find each week, third what our area needed and last what we personally needed help with. I knew exactly what I needed to fast for and was grateful that I would have the opportunity to fast with the whole mission at the same time because of the great spirit that could come during it. As soon as we started our fast, within 2 hours we found 1 new investigator. After 2 hours, we had 3 new investigators! It was seriously amazing and I know that with all the prayers from 200 missionaries, miracles were happening!! Saturday night, I had the most amazing sleep in forever (no food in the stomach ha) and Sunday was an amazing service all day long. We had a new investigator Shawna come to church with her daughters which was so awesome and they all enjoyed it! Whoop! :) Our Sunday school lesson was on sacrifice and there was one moment when the spirit hit me so strongly about what I needed to do personally. Someone in the class said that with sacrifice it all goes back to faith and trusting in God and listening to the spirit to make those righteous sacrifices. I wasn't even thinking about what I was fasting about but the spirit told me so clear to listen to that and to Trust God...going home on July 19th is what the Lord is asking you to do and its time for me to trust Him. Relief Society was about personal revelation and a lady told a story about being in a car accident but her dad listened to a prompting which helped save their lives then said that its so important to listen to those promptings because our challenges we face could be worse. Again the spirit was telling me so strongly that my body is in need of medical help sooner and that I need to listen. I knew at that moment that it was official, I was to go home on July 19th.
I talked to my mission president this morning and he received the same answer about me going home. He reminded me that I am going home because the Lord has a change of plans and I will have served a full and honorable mission by that date. What an amazing blessing to know that will have done all that the Lord called me to do and will be finishing my mission strong and complete :) I love the Lord and am so grateful to have such great people around me who uplift and inspire me all the time. With transfers being around July 5th, President said he will most likely close Chillicothe :( and I will go to the Visitor Center in Independence to be in a trio for my last 2 weeks. I look forward to finishing out my mission strong, with a smile on my face and hopefully not very much pain :) I love you all and am so grateful for your prayers and support!! Thank you for everything! Talk to you next week :)
Sistaaaaaaaaaaaa Larson

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