Saturday, July 7, 2012

June 4, 2012  Spiritually Bold Week

Since zone conference, I have tried my best to be as obedient as I can be and it has been surprisingly very easy! Haha. Life truly is easier when you just do the right thing. I have also been reading the Book of Mormon cover to cover again and this week I was reading a lot about Alma and the sons of Mosiah's preaching. Well, you add Zone Conference+Obedience+Alma missionary teachings = Stronger spirit = Me using boldness! Ha. I must say, it was a really amazing experience to be able to say "I promise you that we have the solution..." to a drug addict who said she knew she wanted to quit but didn't know what to do. We had many experiences this week where people were okay with sitting in limbo, not wanting to read or do anything to receive answers...kind of just expecting God to drop the answer in their lap without any effort. I'm so grateful for the spirit and the trust I have in the lord standing behind me in my moments of boldness. I love the feeling of promising someone a blessing and trusting the Lord will take care of the rest. I was able to tell someone "as a representative of Jesus Christ, I am telling you that He is ready for you to come unto Him and waiting to wrap his arms around you". The mantle of a missionary is so real and an amazing feeling!

Our investigator October continues to move towards her baptism date, she expressed some fears/concerns this past week which we were able to settle. She said that she really likes reading the Book of Mormon now compared to last summer because of the things she found in it from our random reading assignments and she looks forward to the little gems she is going to find in it each time she reads. How true that really is for all who read the Book of Mormon with an open heart, searching for help/comfort/guidance. One thing she hasn't seen is the connection of her feelings of peace and calmness coming directly from Heavenly Father as answers to her questions of what she is learning is true and good. Hopefully we are able to help her see that for herself and let her receive her answers in her own way that she can recognize.
The kids, Madison, Kendell and Aj were totally crazy this past week. They are in summer school, like EVERY kid in this town, so when Saturday comes, they get stir crazy and ready to play. It was interesting to see the difference though, in their home versus teaching the Weed's in their home. The spirit is truly stronger in a members home than in their own home, even if the members aren't totally converted to the gospel, it makes a BIG difference. None of the kids came to church on Sunday either. We are praying that we can get the grandparents involved more so they feel comfortable with coming to church with the kids.
The members we live with, The Sperry's, have their grandchildren in town from Arkansas and it has totally changed the dynamic of the house! They have 5 kids, age range from 12 to 3yrs old and they like to run every where in the morning....our bedroom happens to be right under the kitchen haha. But even if they are loud, they have been so much fun!! It has been fun coming home to a house where you get greeted by lots of hugs and they just love you just because you're a missionary. They have stayed at the house for over a week now and are heading back tomorrow, it will be very different and sad to have the house be totally quiet again.
This week truly was a busy week and a good one. I've been having some physial challenges, went to a doctor on Thursday last week and hopefully will be getting back to full health soon. I have been trying to push through the tiredness or the stomach cramps that I have developed out here and still see how the Lord is the one carrying me through the day. I am excited for this upcoming week and seeing more people! Hopefully some big miracles happen this week!! :)
Love you all, thank you for your prayers and support!
Sista Larson
PS. If you are looking for something to read these days, read Alma chapters 12-40. It talks all about the missionary experiences and they are awesome! ;)

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